18 pages

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Length 3200 km (1988 mi)
Width 900 km (559 mi)

General Information


Points of inaccesibility (including Point Nemo)

Across Kunlun mountains and Tibetan Plateau


"Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Officia nisi, placeat reiciendis veritatis aperiam vitae totam sequi ratione vero inventore quis tempore odit tempora repudiandae quam exercitationem fugiat quasi aliquid." —— xyz in NECROPHANTASMAGORIA (20XX)

E-Temeng-Igru (meaning "house whose foundation creates terror" in Sumerian) is a sentient rot that takes form as chasms in the Earth. It is unknown what she actually is. Some speculate that she is a festering wound, while others label her as a living womb. Those who think less abstractly may simply call her some sort of fucked-up vegetation. It is difficult to assign biological features to negative space.


E-Temeng-Igru is decay. She is not something that is causing decay but she is the rot herself. She imposes on herself. What she leaves behind in her wake is also herself. She is the home to many homunculi beneath the surface, making shelter and being moved around in pockets of E-Temeng-Igru like vacuoles in phagocytosis.

She has the capacity to be bottomless, abyssal in nature. She rots the space she takes over, making subspace where she operates the reality within.

Like every living thing, she needs to eat. All that die on the Earth's soil nourish E-Temeng-Igru. Rarely will E-Temeng-Igru eat something alive nor has she needed to. She forms a symbiotic relationship with homunculi which are inclined to let blood soak into the soil for her.

E-Temeng-Igru is a product of the Tumor.


E-Temeng-Igru was planted on Earth 45,000 years ago and contributed to neanderthal extinction.

When humans began organizing to kill homunculi, many homunculi fled to E-Temeng-Igru for refuge. Most of thes homunculi are alive today because E-Temeng-Igru vitrified them for thousands of years.

In 20XX, E-Temeng-Igru opened up in Point Nemo, Antarctica, and the Tibetan Plateau to release millions of ancient homunculi as a result of the apocalypse.