18 pages


This site was made with love but also spaghetti code. Ultimately still under construction, don't mind the broken links and article stubs. Be wary of bugs; they can all be reported to the webmaster.

Standard violence is not tagged. More extreme instances of graphic content will be spoilered, like this. You must hover over text to view it. Viewer discretion is advised regardless._


if it makes navigating easier

NECROPHANTASMAGORIA (unstylized as necrophantasmagoria) is an experimental, original universe and story create by xoyvr / WOUNDINTERFACE. The setting, implications, and events of this world are shared with friends’ headworlds. Otherwise, this is a stand-alone world independent from any piece of existing media. A demo for a semi-satirical dating simulator was retired in 2023. Game development is on hiatus so the full release date is undetermined.

The setting of NECROPHANTASMAGORIA is a derivative of our modern plane of existence on planet Earth with several key insertions into both the history and the sciences. The central plot exists between 19XX - 20XX.

This world has minimal paranormal themes, holding to the concept that everything has a scientific (or at least to the extent that alchemy can be considered science) explanation, even though 99% of the introduced ideas are a betrayal to science as we know it. Think resident evil. Don’t expect robust world-building, I am just fucking around.


06.20.24 implemented a lot of new pages!! please be patient with the dearth of images, i am too tired and toooo hot (heatwave) to be moving everything somewhere else to host.

05.27.24 site is now live (albeit with huuuuge vaccuums of missing info) !!! thank you everybody !!!

05.07.24 making pages... we are getting there :P

03.13.24 wireframe created and implemented! wikiv1 is here!!!

10.22.23 started writing out character info... so difficult when they just exist in my mind as independent instances